
Thursday, August 18, 2016

As Compton Classes Open Optimism Is High

As the 2016-17 school year begins, we should all be very optimistic about what’s happening in the Compton Schools.
The turnaround which has been evident in increasing graduation rates and increasing test scores has been accelerating. For instance, did you know earlier this year that we reported graduation rates a full 10 points above the year earlier? And we expect when we report results this year, the graduation rates will increase again!
The success of our students is our top priority here in Compton. We’ve been succeeding by developing home-grown talent to run our schools. This year, of our 20 new principals and administrators, 17 of them were promoted from within the Compton School District.
We have been developing this talent in our district over the last several years. Because these leaders know our city and our schools, I expect we will see further improved classroom results especially within the elementary schools, Middle Schools and High Schools. We will continue to provide coaching and training to the people in those new positions.
We believe this is a recipe for long-lasting success in our schools that will benefit our community.
Let me discuss our emphasis on student safety. We know our students can’t learn if they don’t feel safe. That’s why we have worked to make our schools the safest places in Compton.  
Our School Board has given our Compton Police resources to make sure that our campuses are safe. But it doesn’t stop there. Our teachers, administrators are staff are constantly monitoring our campuses to make sure that our students are safe.
It’s working.
Also, we are working with the city of Compton to develop a Joint Youth Agreement that will allow more access to our school grounds for youth oriented activities in our city.
We believe the safety and success of our children benefits our community not only today but for the future.  
Finally, let me urge our parents to get involved in their children’s education. For them to succeed we need parents, teachers and students are pulling in the same direction. Get involved with your child’s school. It will benefit all of us to have more parents involved.
Yes, it’s going to be a great year and we are glad to get it started!